Friday, May 7, 2010

¨Estoy Triste¨

About a month ago, I met a family from Guatemala on a routine run in the park. I helped one of her daughters with her home and we exchanged information. The mother also told me she was wanting to learn Spanish and wondered if I could teach her. My life was crazy at the time so I told her I would get back in touch with her in about a month.
A month went by and I called to see if she still wanted me to come by and help her daughter. She was enthused that I had called and so a week later I start to tutor two of her kids. It had been a while since I had seen them so I was hoping I would know if it was the right house or not. As I walked to the house I was greeted by children. I hope them with their homework and then leave.
The next week, as I am getting out of the car, one of the children tells me that his sister isn´t here. The principal had asked that she come to her office and not go to the bus. An investigator needed to ask her questions. I find out later that one of the teachers had called defacts about his sister. As I walk inside I am greeted by the mother. She said that her husband was talking to jail for driving with out a license. In order to renew your license you have to have ¨papers.¨He doesn`t so therefore he can`t drive legally. Then if you break the law you are pretty much garaunteed that you will be deported. An investigator calls the mother because he wanted to ask her some questions. She doesn´t speak English so she hands to phone to me. The investigator gives me an address and we pile into their car and I drive..... She cant drive and my car can´t fit car seats safely.
On the way to pick up her daughter I ask the mother how she is doing. She just looks over at my and simply says, ¨Estoy triste.¨(I am sad). She was being so sincere and honest. It just broke my heart.

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