Sunday, April 25, 2010

I love my neighborhood....

As I drove into my driveway after a busy weekend in Nashville, I get a phone call. As I answer it I hear my neighbor who lives down the street asking if I am the one she sees standing in the middle of the street. She then continues to ask if I can take her and her cousins to the park. I quickly put my things away and walk down with frozen popsicles to pick them up. After much debate we end up coming to my house and end up jumping rope, and trying to beat me in connect four.
After I explain to them I am tired and need to unpack and take a shower we race back down to their house for me to drop them off. When I am at their house I meet the landlord and have a conversation about owning real estate. He tells me that I am unusual to be living in this area and tutoring Kelsey. He ment it in a good way.
On my way back I run into a guy named Peanut that just roams the neighborhood. I have given him food or gift cards on a number of occasions. He asks for food and so I scrounge to find some pretzels and peanut butter from my bare cabinets.
God has given me good relationships and I am very blessed to be in this neighborhood. It is nice to call this home. There is so much beauty in this neighborhood in the people that as you drive by you miss.