The grocery store near my house has recently closed down. I have been trying to figure out a new place to shop. There is a Kroger pretty near to where I live. I was shopping there on Sunday trying to find some italian sausage... I had a hard time finding it. An older man approaches me holding a package of toilet paper in one hand and change in another. He asks if I had any change to spare that would help him by some toilet paper. I offered to buy the toilet paper instead of give him money.
As we were walk to the register he starts to tell me why he needs the toilet paper. He says that he has crohn`s disease and it has been acting up. It has caused him to have diarrhea. He shares this before he tells me his name.
I stopped walking and went and got him some wet wipes as well. It just broke my heart that first of all he made his way to the grocery store probably know that he didn´t have enough money to purchase the toilet paper. How humbling it is to have to ask a stranger to buy you toilet paper because you are having diarrhea. It has kept coming in my thoughts throughout the day. It is hard for my to shake that image. To me it is a funny situation but so sad at the same time. It just breaks my heart.