Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday Morning Thoughts....

     I am off of work today. I have this long list of things to accomplish today. That is why I find my-self here, procrastinating. It is funny how the weeks where I get a day off always end up feeling like the longest. I think it is because my normal routine is messed up which adds a different kind of stress. That is why I would much rather have it be a surprise like in the form of a snow day. The likelihood of that happening is very slim which makes it even more special. 
      This weekend I did start a Family Blog with my immediate family. My sister´s actually came up with it; I just initiated it. It seems like a fun idea. It is amazing how many things on my to-do list involve the computer such as: ordering pictures to send to a friend, mak
ing a family blog, emailing friends, paying credit cards, looking up recipes etc. Yesterday, I
 sat for hours being productive with out moving. I guess it just amazes me how many things you can do on-line. The things I procrastinate doing are things I have to get up and do. How lazy am I? I can run in a 10K willingly but put off cleaning my room. 

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Meet Esau Noel...

I have a friend that lives in Antigua, Guatemala that I met when I was doing Language school a couple of years ago. We still keep in touch through email. A couple of months ago he emailed and told me he was starting to build a his own house. This is such a cool but foreign concept to me. It kind of makes me sad that I don`t know how to do that. It must be so freeing to get some land and just start building your house. Even if it ends up being small with lots of character (flaws) you have the satisfaction in knowing that it was all done by you. I am also really bummed that the random chance that I get lost in the jungle/forest/desert/mountains that I would have no idea how to survive. But am I going to do anything to change that and learn how. Probably not. That bums me out too. Well, on that note...Here are some pictures of his progress.